Our Multi-Patented Wonder Wafers truly are the World’s Most Perfect Air Fresheners!…®

Creators of
Diamond-Ultra Wafer Air Fresheners®
Plus our all new
Custom-Image Wafer Air Fresheners
For more information about our new Custom-Image Wafer Air Fresheners Call us at:
Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6338
International: +1-817-281-9306
There are many great reasons to use and sell Wonder Wafers® at your business
No More Liquid Problems!
No More Waste Or Spills!
No More Winter Freeze Problems!
No More Spray Bottles!
No More Expensive Applicator Machines To Buy And Maintain
No More Guessing If Your Customers Air Freshener Was Properly Applied
Greatly reduces the chance of staining or damage when used properly unlike many other air freshener products
Wonder Wafers work much better than liquid air fresheners simply because they release the fragrance evenly over several days, instead of being overwhelming in the beginning and then weakening rapidly
Wonder Wafers are extremely cost effective versus other leading liquid, aerosol, gel and most other types of air freshener
Increase your air freshener sales and customer satisfaction with Wonder Wafers worldwide brand name recognition!
Wonder Wafers are proven, well known and loved by millions of long-term dedicated customers
Wonder Wafers are ‘Air-Activated’, environmentally friendly and contain ZERO known carcinogens
Wonder Wafers are the safest and easiest-to-use air fresheners on the market today! Wonder wafers are air-activated, environmentally friendly and contain zero carcinogens. It’s no wonder that Wonder Wafers are considered – The World’s Most Perfect Air Fresheners! ®